To provide quality and reliable power supply to our customers from a mix of conventional and renewable sources and ensure a fair and reasonable price that will allow an appropriate balance between availability of supply and equitable return to our shareholders.
Our Vision
To be a long-term partner in the growth and development of our nation, by providing an imperative for nation-building and a better quality of life for our citizens —- electricity.
Our Values
S-TEADFAST. We are dutifully firm and unwavering in our resolve to always meet our customers demand;
P-ERSISTENT. We are determined to reach our company’s goals despite challenges or obstacles;
C-ARING. Caring for and protecting our environment is a prerequisite for the success of our business;
P-HILANTROPHY. Giving back to the community is our way of life. We are sensitive to the needs of the communities we serve and belong to;
O-BJECTIVITY. We trust our personnel’s judgement to be free of bias and outside influence in carrying out tasks.
W-ELL BALANCED. We aim to provide our personnel with a healthy work-life balance atmosphere that increase their productivity and boost happiness in the workplace.
E-EXCELLENCE. Day in and day out, we strive to be the best in everything we do.
R-ESPONSIBILITY. We trust and rely on our personnel to make decisions on their own, based on limits of authority and principles of personal accountability.